Sunday, October 12, 2008

Session 8, Wed. Oct 22

Discuss, reflect and enhance Task 7-1

Textbook: Read pgs 253-285 Assessment of Teaching and Learning


Task 8-1 Reflecting back to Task 3-3 (ie., goals and objectives for a mini-unit titled "Technology Literacy for all Students), take time to brainstorm and describe several types of assessments that could be implemented in this unit of study. This could include some pre-assessments, periodic checking for understanding, and final assessment.

Task 8-2 In Task 6-2 you designed a comprehensive lesson plan for Day 1 of 3 in your mini-unit titled "Technology Literacy for all Students." Your focus was using appropriate instructional strategies. In this Task, demonstrate your knowledge of assessment strategies by developing specific pre-assessment and post-assessment evaluation tools for the Lesson you previously designed. Include at least one tool that involves a Rubric whereby the student and teacher are fully aware of the criteria.

Tools: Post and overview these Tasks in your Ed556-Blog and link to the Docs.

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